New Audit Area > Observation History


User Date Audited Entity Observations/Issues Risks/Implications Recommendations Management Responses/Action Plans
Jan 2018 PTY, IRMY, Subsidiares A The present of representative in the Committee would facilitate the dissemination of information of the SEDC Portal to their colleagues. It was also noted that ICT too had taken some initiatives to conduct briefing during SEDC Get-Together and ICT In-House courses to create awareness of the SEDC Portal. However, random survey among staff indicated that quite a number of staff still could not comprehend difference between the SEDC Website and Portal and that its require user name and password to access the contents of the SEDC Portal. Some staff may not have visited the portal, thus not aware of existence of the policies and guidelines for reference and compliance. ICT to circulate the user name and passwords to access the SEDC Portal to all authorised staff. ICT to conduct briefing during SEDC Get-Together monthly gathering. ICT noted on the recommendations and will recirculate the user name and passwords to all authorised staff by end of February 2019.ICT will conduct briefing during SEDC Get-Together monthly gathering in March 2019.
March 2019 IQD, CFD, Subsidiares B A recovery drill is essential to test the integrity of the backup process and tapes/discs of system, program and data and the efficiency and effectiveness of the recovery process. It was noted that ICT has successfully conducted Disaster Recovery Drill in year 2016 and 2017 to test backup process for the servers at the old Menara SEDC at Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman. However, ICT has yet to conduct a recovery drill for the new servers and backup system installed at the new Menara SEDC, The Isthmus, Off Jalan Bako. It is difficult to verify if the backup and recovery processes is appropriate and It is recommended for ICT to conduct system recovery drill at least once a year to test the backup and recovery processes is appropriate and workable. ICT noted on the recommendations and to have three Disaster Recovery exercises in year 2019 and the first exercise to be conducted in March 2019.
March 2019 IQD, CFD, Subsidiares B It was also noted that the staff (Encik Mohd NajibJeman) who had been assigned to handle the backup processes and servers had resigned on 14 December 2018. As a temporary measure, ICT has assigned other ICT Personnel to handle the backup processes and servers but there is still a vacuum and shortage of personnel dedicated to handle network and helpdesk.As at 29 January 2019 (Closing Meeting with ICT), it was noted that the request for replacement have yet to be fulfilled. The backup processes and servers are not properly performed and handled. To work closely with HRA for new recruitment of experienced personnel to fulfil the vacant post. The interview session for new recruitment would only be conducted tentatively on 7 March 2019.